The Waggon Inn



We have a wide range of real ales from a variety of sources that we offer. You will find that we change our range frequently and you will be able to keep track of it all here.


Dizzy Blonde Rosie's Pig Unicorn
Dizzy Blonde

Dizzy Blonde


abv: 3.8%

Pale & Refreshing

This light refreshing beer has a clean zesty hop dominated palate complemented by a crisp dry finish. Dizzy started life as a limited edition seasonal ale. With demand quickly out stripping supply we promoted Dizzy to our core family range of ales.

Brewery Website



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Rosie's Pig

Rosie's Pig


abv: 4.8%

Golden & Refreshing

Rosie's Pig is a delicious summer drink for warm nights. An easy drinking traditional cloudy medium dry cider, blended to give a fresh apple flavour with hints of citrus and spice

Brewery Website


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abv: 4.2%

Golden & Bitter

Magnificent pale tart and thirst quenching bitter beer. Superb mouth-feel of rich malt and hops and complex aromas of golding hops, malt and tart fruit. Long dry finish with citrus fruit notes.

Brewery Website



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